The Calpean Chapter No.278

Linked to Royal Lodge of Friendship No.278

The Calpean Chapter is attached to the Royal Lodge of Friendship No.278, as indicated by its shared number. The warrant of the Chapter states it was constituted by Supreme Grand Chapter on 7th February 1823: the Chapter is currently collating the rest of its history from sources such as the Chapter’s minutes’ books and the United Grand Lodge of England’s Library and Museum.

Peculiarly, whilst usually a lower number indicates an older Lodge (in theory, Lodge No.1 is therefore the oldest), Calpean Chapter No.278 is in fact older than St John’s Royal Arch Chapter No.115 despite its higher number. This is because the Lodge of St John No.115 is older than the Royal Lodge of Friendship No.278, and linked Chapters takes their number from their respective affiliated Lodge.

Diverse Membership

Like its Craft counterpart, Calpean Chapter No.278 has a diverse membership with an age range of over 70 years, and many young officers. The Chapter often takes its candidates for Exaltation from a pool of 3 Lodges: Royal Lodge of Friendship No.278, , Connaught No.2915 and Letchworth No.3503 – however candidates from any Lodge are of course most welcome.

This means that members are able to enjoy the company of many Brethren from other Lodges whom they may not otherwise have spent time with, allowing for a sociable and vibrant community of Companions.

As a result of its linked Lodge in particular, membership is also highly international, with Companions of Calpean Chapter hailing from countries all over the world.

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The Calpean

Meets on the Second Wednesday of January, March, May (Installation) and November

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