The Consecration of Robert Freke Gould Lodge was carried out at the Masonic Hall Gibraltar on 23rd November 1901 by the Deputy DGM W Bro Captain TF Cooper RA PDGStdBr, assisted by W Bro GO Spratt (PM 278) DGSW as SW, W Bro J Discombe (PM 153) PDGW as JW, W.Bro A Risso (WM 115), Rev J Hackett BD Captain and W Bro J Cunningham PDGW DG of C. There were about 150 Brethren present.
A letter was read by Bro. TF Cooper which he had received from W Bro. G F Cornwall K C RWDGM Gibraltar, expressing his deep regret at his inability to attend owing to his professional duties calling him away from Gibraltar. He wished the new Lodge a very successful career.
The spacious Lodge room admitted the beautiful ceremony to be performed in a manner befitting the occasion and with comfort to all concerned
At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony, W Bro J Cunningham, in the name of the founders, presented to the Lodge the working tools, columns, and various items of furniture.
The Consecrating Officer then vacated the chair, which was taken by W Bro. R. Gibbs who proceeded to install the Worshipful Master designate Bro. E. J. Leggett SW Lodge 153.
The election of the Treasurer and Tyler having taken place, the newly installed Master proceeded to invest his officers as follows: - Bro’s RJ Gibbs IPM, GM Chimes SW, PF Lyons JW, J Cunningham Treasurer, AJ Weir Secretary, OJ Davey SD, H W Silcott JD, GW Harris D of C, EJT Pearce IG, AG Beckett and GV Smale Stewards and J Franco Tyler.
The W.M then proposed “That a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to the Consecrating Officer for the great service he had rendered the Lodge in having performed the ceremony in so praiseworthy a manner, and that the same is recorded in the minutes of the Lodge”
W Bro. RJ Gibbs then proposed- “That W. Bro Robert Freke Gould PM 153 Gibraltar (1858)
PG Deacon, England –after whom this Lodge is named, becomes an honorary member of the Lodge”. This was seconded by W.Bro. J Cunningham and carried unanimously.
The name of W Bro TF Cooper was also proposed as an honorary member by Bro. RJ Gibbs, which was seconded by Bro. P F Lyons JW and carried unanimously.